Dodge fire ball AoE (Spiral Abyss)

Dear diary, today I want to share how to dodge the fire ball AoE while attempting to clear Spiral Abyss.

In short:
You have to dodge when the fire ball is very close and collide with it during the initial i-frames and then get outside of its AoE explosion range as fast as possible.

Here's a demonstration:

Here's a slow motion of the first part 0:03:

Here's a slow motion of the second part 0:06:

When attempting this try to dash towards the fire ball when it's about to hit the character.
If you miss the timing you might get hit by its initial attack or sphere AoE.
If you miss the direction the fire ball will make a curve and throw off your timing.

This might require some practice to manage consistently.

This ends my travel diary entry for today.
I hope today's notes will be useful for future travelers.

Konagi-chan learned to dodge more efficiently after reading this reddit thread.

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